Security Services

Email Encryption

Encrypt the content and any attachments sent with the email

Rights Management in O365

Protect sensitive information contained inside emails


Software designed to protect computers from malware


Converts saved sensitive data (e.g., social security or credit card numbers) into an unreadable, protected format

Secured Research Infrastructure

Offers Principal Investigators and their research staff an environment to safeguard Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) and Export Control data


Provides enhanced security by requiring two types of authentication to verify your identity

Identity and Access Management

Implements processes and systems that protect institutional data and enables secure access to digital resources


Provides secure communications from sites outside the University network


Security system that filters network traffic

InCommon SSL Certificates

Certifies that the content is provided from a verified sender

IT Risk Management

Process used to identify, analyze, plan and respond to risks within the University’s IT environment.

Splunk/Log Analytics

Search, report, monitor and analyze real-time streaming and historical IT data
Splunk Fundamental Training

Vulnerability Scanning

Assesses computers, computer systems, networks, or applications for security weaknesses

Security Awareness Training

Provides online video-based training for faculty and staff.