Report to Thwart Phishing Attacks and Other Steps to Prevent Harm

Phishing scams are a daily threat experienced at UConn. If you receive an email that appears to be out of the ordinary, do not click on links, open attachments, or respond to the sender.

How to report

Please report suspicious emails by clicking Outlook’s “Report” button in the upper right-hand corner of the email. Your reporting efforts play a crucial role in UConn’s ability to detect and respond to threats.

How to build vigilance within our community

Please talk about phishing with others! Take a minute to discuss phishing with a coworker or student. A simple conversation can go a long way to encourage a fellow husky to use their critical thinking skills the next time an email doesn’t sit quite right. Your efforts may not only prevent a successful attack on UConn information and systems, but can also prevent a member of the UConn community from personally becoming a victim of phishing.

Here are a few ideas to start the conversation:

  1. What is the most bizarre (or most convincing!) phishing email you recall receiving?
  2. What are some of the foreseeable consequences of a successful phishing attack?
  3. What are some feelings a person may have experienced if they were a victim of a scam?
  4. What are ways we can better detect attempts at deception?
  5. Have you ever brought up the dangers of phishing at the dinner table? Why or why not?

What to do if…

If you acted upon instructions from a phishing email that results in you entering your NetID credentials into an illegitimate website, please update your password at 

If you believe you were financially defrauded by the phishing actors or were asked to carry out financial transactions on their behalf, you are encouraged to make a report of the activity to the UConn Police or your local police department.